Register for this event if you want to learn the fundamentals to selling and relationship success in the selling world.
Red Rock Casino – Las Vegas, Nevada
Date: TBD
Ticket Price: $1,687
Early Bird - $987.00
Crush your sales goals and build sustainable sales pipelines of quality leads that provide you with the closing numbers you need today and tomorrow ... Build your self-confidence of understanding how to engage a prospect or existing customer to make the sale and the next sale, build your sales business model and leave with both a strategic and tactical understanding of what to really do 24/7/365.
For you - Whether you are new to professional selling/recruiting or a seasoned professional, this event is for you!
Sound education - Learn the fundamentals and psychology of accelerated selling from the masters and relationship success in the selling world ... This is the high impact, energized, program of proven strategic and tactical selling program used exclusively by the Fortune 100, major Associations, Entrepreneurial businesses and the United States Military Recruiters for decades - IMMEDIATE RESULTS, GUARANTEED!
Unlike other programs you have attended - No yelling, screaming, power motivational speakers, magicians or freaks of nature in your face ... This event is about professional talent development and you will leave with immediate tools to improved your professional selling abilities and when you wake up after the event back home, you will have real tools and action plans to get started and stay successful!
Leave SALES MASTERY with a (1) SYSTEM, (2) PROCESS and (3) PROCEDURES proven to generate sustained success for others in selling for three-decades!
This was by far one of the best educational seminar's I've personally attended and would recommend it to anyone I speak with. It was a great pleasure to spend the two days together reviewing new ideas for my sales team.
I truly learned so much in this seminar! I feel that the material shared will help me with my career directly and also outside of the work area in my everyday life, which to me is just as valuable if not more so.
Thank you for two great days of sales training! I'm going to put it to work right away. Terrific job by the facilitator and thanks again!
Good morning Jeff! What an amazing experience it was for me to spend time learning from you and getting to know you so well during our time together in Austin. The workshop was beyond my expectations and I am so glad that Rhonda invited me to join you both for dinner each evening. The food, views, companionship and conversation led to wonderful evenings I’ll long remember. I read your email while seated on my Alaska Airlines flight getting ready to takeoff and I’m sure everyone seated around me was wondering why I was so choked up and sniffling like a baby! I’m truly touched, humbled and honored by your generosity and enthusiastic encouragement of my personal and professional career goals … I couldn’t help but think about my wife and daughters and the powerful, positive impact my development, growth and success in this area will have on their lives. I am truly grateful and eagerly look forward to learning more about the event when we chat next week. In preparation for our call next week, this weekend I’ll be reviewing my notes from the workshop and organizing my thoughts for how to plug you in to our company and even more…
Days before I knew I had the Boot Camp on my schedule, I was working on my negative attitude. IE: I am going to be out for a couple of and how far I would be behind. My return on investment. My simple observation was I never knew what time it was for those two days. I was given tools to address every challenge I face day to day. Tools to guide my sales people. How do I check my ROI on these two days? Before I got out of my truck, I had a customer call at 6:30 AM to assure me that I was at the right address, the place that had screwed up his order while I was gone. The place that cost him money every day! As I was letting him vent, to assure me that I was the worst sales person, and my company was the worst he had ever dealt with. I reach down to gather my thing from the truck, my SIGNATURE SERIES note book was there and opened to page 10 “the C.A.R.E. FORMULA. The rest is history, we worked thru the problem, now have a clear picture of his expectation, even got another order! Summary: The only time that was wasted, was me working on my “negative attitude”. Time well spend and it will have years of ROI. GREAT JOB! RIGHT ON THE SPOT!---BUSINESS—BUSINESS—BUSINESS!!! Thanks for giving me the time to do my job, better and more time effective.
I am brand new to being an Sales Manager and learning more and more every day. After we finished our leadership summit with you I started slowly introducing some of the stuff we went over and have fantastic results getting through to our sales professionals and actually "seeing the light bulb come on" explaining the Trajectory Management Diagram to some of them. It is such an easy tool to keep us on track! To be honest though, I think the most powerful tool I have incorporated thus far that really seems to reach my team is the 1-2-3-4-5-X Follow-up rule you showed us on day 2. At 1st I thought your statistics of 90% of contracts come from the "X" but after a bit of research it astonished me how true that really was. That is such a valuable yet simple tool/equation that will most certainly pay off for my team in the long run. Thanks for everything.
Dr. Jeff, Enjoyed the coaching and training you gave us today on performance driven selling. Please send me the above info. Thanks. Look forward to our day tomorrow.
This is Ken Wyatt with Butler Supply. Had great two days of your program. Thanks for the education look forward to using want I took away and learning more from you in the future. Have a great trip home.
Great couple of days! Lots of great new ideas and reminders we can all deploy with our teams immediately! Thank You Jeff for your high-energy presentation! As we discussed, we look forward to engaging more of our team in your training.
This is perfect! Thank you so much! Great stuff! Thanks again and safe travels! Made sure that I let the powers that be know how awesome our workshop was! Thanks again,
I wanted to say thank you. I was truly inspired by your performance ideas. I will utilize these ideas to improve my selling performance. Can you please send me the "10 questions to ask your customers." Again, thank you for the incredible knowledge you shared with us. I hope you have a great weekend!
Hi Dr. Magee, Thanks for the great workshop! This was my first sales development workshop and I’m so glad I had the opportunity to attend. I learned a ton and am excited to start implementing the techniques you shared with us. Cheers!
Excellent program! Thanks so much for offering to help me establish a library at our company headquarters. I am excited to get it started … Thanks so much,
You exceeded my expectations. Your presentation set the tone for the day. It was fun and informative. Thank you very much for pitching the Society, every little bit helps. I wish you the very best.
Another sales force complete turn-around would be the Pennsylvania National Guard Recruiting force that went from #50 to #2 in two-years!
I truly learned so much in your seminar and I have a lot of homework to do. I feel that the material that you have shared will help me with my career directly with the individuals I will be sharing it with and also outside of the work area in my everyday life, which to me is just as valuable if not more so. Thank you again Jeff and hopefully we will meet again!
54-States/Territories in USA compete for National Guard Recruiting manpower attainment, the #1 Recruiting State in the nation for this immediate past year is/was a client, the ND-National Guard. And in fact, of the only seven States to make their sales mission last year, four are/were clients of our strategic and tactical selling skills programming.
The Texas National Guard Recruiting force utilized all of our training platforms for nearly two years, consistently exceeding their selling goals and at the end of our relationship was at 117% of Mission.